Swimming Merit Badge – Click for Details

Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014 Time: 12:30 to 3:00Location: 1180 Shenandoah Road San Marino, CA 91108 If you are parking, park on the west side of the street only Enter the back yard on the right hand side of the house Cost: Free!Contact: Brian Snaer 2605 South Oak Knoll San Marino, CA 91108 snaer@earthlink.net 626...

Tenderfoot Physical Fitness – Session #2 – Click for Details

The Tenderfoot physical fitness requirement has always been a stumbling block on the way to Tenderfoot. It requires a 30 day interval between part one and part two. Do your best to make this event so we can get this done before Camp Cherry Valley. For those who can't make session 1, we will do...

Gardening Merit Badge, Session #2 – Click for Details

Assistant Scoutmaster and Pasadena Community Garden's President Mr. Ron Garretson will lead Troop 355 as our Gardening Merit Badge Counselor. Come out and enjoy this hands-on Merit Badge!There will be two sessions: The first session is on April 19th from 9:00am, - 10:30am and the second session is on June 22nd from 1:00pm - 2:00pm.Location:...

Salesmanship Merit Badge – Click for Details

Troop 355 is very lucky to have Mr. Jeff Riemers lead the Salesmanship Merit Badge again this year. Mr. Riemers will teach the class in two sessions. Scouts must attend both sessions to earn the badge. First will be a classroom session on Saturday, June 28 from 9:00 a.m to 10:30 a.m. at the Scout...

Salesmanship Merit Badge – Click for Details

Troop 355 is very lucky to have Mr. Jeff Riemers lead the Salesmanship Merit Badge again this year. Mr. Riemers will teach the class in two sessions. Scouts must attend both sessions to earn the badge. First will be a classroom session on Saturday, June 28 from 9:00 a.m to 10:30 a.m. at the Scout...

Moviemaking Merit Badge – Click for Details

Participants will produce, direct, act, and film a movie as a group. The class will begin at 9 am at the Scout House. Scouts must bring water and a sack lunch. Alexander Laudeman is a Troop 355 Eagle Scout (Philmont 2007) and Emerson College film student. Alexander will bring professional camera, audio, and lighting equipment...

Tenderfoot Physical Fitness – Session #3 – Click for Details

The Tenderfoot physical fitness requirement has always been a stumbling block on the way to Tenderfoot. It requires a 30 day interval between part one and part two. Do your best to make this event so we can get this done before Camp Cherry Valley. For those who can't make session 1, we will do...

Family Life Merit Badge – Click for Details

The Family Life Merit Badge is being offered this Fall with the first meeting on September 22, 2014. If you (if you are a scout) or your scout (if you are a parent) wishes to sign up for the Family Life Merit Badge program, please send an email with the following information:• * Scout's name•...