Winter Court of Honor
Presented by Troop 359

The winter court of honor will be presented by Troop 359. It will be held at the St Edmunds Church (1175 San Gabriel, San Marino) at 3:00PM. Cout of Honor is 355's only manditory event. Court of Honor is an opportunity for you to be recognized for your latest achievement as well as supporting Troop...

Pack 357 Blue and Gold Celebration

Pack 357 will hold their Blue and Gold Celebration at the Pasadena Nazarene Church, 3700 Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena from 5:00 to 6:00.

Pack 217 Bridge Crossing

Date: Thursday, March 10th, 2011Time: 7pmPlace: Merci Center (Pack 217 Scout House) 1919 S. Palm Ave. Alhambra, CA. 91803 (parking available in front) Cross Streets: between Hellman Ave. & Ross Major cross street: Fremont Ave.

Spring Court Of Honor
Presented by Troop 355

The spring court of honor will be presented by Troop 355. It will be held in the Huntington School auditorium at 2:30PM. Court of Honor is 355's only manditory event. Court of Honor is an opportunity for you to be recognized for your latest achievement as well as supporting Troop 355 latest Eagle Scouts.Arrive 15...

355 Parent Recognition Party

Dear Troop 355 Parents,It is time once again to get together to recognize all the incredible volunteer efforts of the 355 parents. Our scoutmasters, troop committee members, merit badge counselors, campout coodinators, board of review dads, and special event coodinators have done an amazing job over the last two years.When: Sunday June 5, at 6:00PMWhere:...

Winter Court of Honor
Presented by Troop 351
Click for details

The winter court of honor will be presented by Troop 351. It will be held at Huntington Middle School at 3:00PM. Court of Honor is 355's only mandatory event. Court of Honor is an opportunity for you to be recognized for your latest achievement as well as supporting Troop 355 latest Eagle Scouts. Uniform is...

355 Parent Recognition Party
Click for details

Dear Troop 355 Parents,It is time once again to get together to recognize all the incredible volunteer efforts of the 355 parents. Our scoutmasters, troop committee members, merit badge counselors, campout coodinators, board of review dads, and special event coodinators have done an amazing job over the last year.When: Sunday July 22, at 6:00PMWhere: TBDCost:...

Fall Court Of Honor
Presented by Troop 355

The fall Court of Honor will be presented by Troop 355. It will be held in the Huntington School auditorium at 3:00PM. Court of Honor is 355's only mandatory event. The Court of Honor is an opportunity for you to be recognized for your latest achievement as well as supporting Troop 355's latest Eagle Scouts.Arrive...