Pack 357 Bridge Crossing, Paz Naz

Dear Former 357 webelos,On Saturday, February 20 @ 5:00 p.m., Pack 357 is having their Blue and Gold/Arrow of Light ceremony at Paz Naz. Four or five webelos have decided to join Troop 355. Dr. Snaer and I will be receiving them during their ceremony and I think it would be really cool if some...

Pack 354 Arrow of Light
Huntington Middle Meet at 6:45

PACK 354 BRIDGE CROSSINGWEDNESDAY APRIL 28, 7:00PM HUNTINGTON SCHOOL AUDITORIUMCome help welcome the new scouts from pack 354 to Troop 355We meet at 6:451 Shane Fox2 Mark Lew3 Hunter Kral4 Daniel Abrams5 Robert DeMarco6 Nathaniel Rolfe7 Andrew Stonnington8 Ross Chase9 German Matchniff10 Dylan Magsarilli

Spring Court of Honor

Join us at the Huntington Middle School Auditorium at 3pm to honor our latest Eagle Scouts and to recognize all the scouts who have advanced in rank in the last few months.

Fall Court of Honor
Presented by Troop 351

The fall court of honor will be presented by Troop 351. It will be held in the Huntington School auditorium at 3:00PM. Cout of Honor is 355's only manditory event. Court of Honor is an opportunity for you to be recognized for your latest achievement as well as supporting Troop 355 latest Eagle Scouts.Arrive 15...